Relationship between criminal policy and other areas of public policy




crime policy, criminal policy, functions of criminal policy, directions of public policy


In the article the author explores the issues of counteraction to crime policy and its subsystems (including criminal policy), which occupy an important place in the state policy, fulfilling the task of counteracting crime. However, it does not work on its own: in most cases, given the "protective" bias of this direction, it must in one way or another respond to the challenges of other areas of public policy, ensuring (taking into account its task - minimizing crime) to make appropriate decisions that in finally reflected in the relevant changes in the criminal law.

Such links with other areas of public policy reflect only one side of their interdependence, namely, cases where, when enforced within the framework of criminal protection or regulation, requests are made to the norms of other branches for the proper qualification of the perpetrator's actions. In such cases, the blind links between the current legislation are in full swing. Obviously, criminal policy, as a subsystem of crime policy within the framework of the integration function of public policy, should not be confined to “service” capabilities, but should provide a two-way link with other areas. In this case, we are talking about the need for criminal protection of relations that fall into other spheres of public policy.

The author concludes that criminal policy, as a subsystem of crime policy, is bilaterally linked to the relevant areas of public policy. On the one hand, interaction exists within the framework of the law enforcement process due to the blanketness of the criminal liability legislation, on the other - criminal law responds within the framework of integrated regulation of relations that relate to other areas of public policy, but require protection, incl. criminal law.


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How to Cite

Kozych, Ihor. “Relationship Between Criminal Policy and Other Areas of Public Policy”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2020, pp. 197-01,