Structural models for the implementation of the rules of law in conditions of legal reality


  • Viktor Savenko Ternopil National Economic University



legal reality, branches of law, models of legal reality, system of law, justice, society


The article examines the phenomenon of legal reality, as the basis of the deontological being of society and the level of compliance of the legal law with the universal laws of being; analyzes the fundamental principles of the emergence and structure of legal reality; interdependencies between natural law and current legal reality are monitored; the idea that any definition of law contains an ontological basis is substantiated.

The article focuses on the fact that the rethinking of laws in modern legal science is formed on the basis of philosophical approaches, among which the most important place is just the right reality as the highest form of systematization of the theory of legal knowledge. System analysis of the law in the structure of legal reality measures the formal implementation of the law of verified decisions.

The author concludes that further development of the philosophical understanding of the legal law will go towards enriching its present understanding, which will be synchronized with the ever deeper knowledge in the anthropological, philosophical, social and legal dimensions. The invariability of the fundamental principles of the construction of legal laws is rooted in the fact of their rooting in the transcendental-axiological dimension.

Thus, legal reality is a rather complex and multidimensional mechanism that encompasses a number of significant social processes: legal, social, state, political, ideological, value formation, legal relations, and creates a harmonious platform for internal and external interaction of being, formed from legal entities, phenomena, views that are objectively reproduced in the field of legal matter. Therefore, further methodological studies of legal reality require a clear and correct scientific approach, which will make sure that this concept is applied in the categorical apparatus of legal science.


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How to Cite

Savenko, Viktor. “Structural Models for the Implementation of the Rules of Law in Conditions of Legal Reality”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 2020, pp. 40-43,