Institute of Private Enforcement Agents in the Context of Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Business Entities


  • Nadiia Makhynich lawyer
  • Yurii Makhynich



business entity, private executor, state executor, rights and legitimate interests, compulsory execution


The article analyzes the key aspects of the functioning of the Institute of Private Performers in Ukraine, and finds out the influence of private performers on ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of economic entities in the enforcement of court decisions. As a rule, the institution of Private Performers is sufficiently mature today, which establishes the procedure for qualification selection, legal status, state policy of controlling the activities of private performers, requirements for the workplace, responsibility of that. The formation of the private executives is another important and additional guarantee of the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities to ensure the real execution of court decisions made in their favor. The author analyzes the provisions of the current legislation on the regulation of the activities of private performers, information provision, guarantees of their activities.  The author proves the existence of a positive impact on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities of the Institute of Private Entrepreneurs. The author substantiates that the private performers have incentives to really ensure the real execution of the court decision. It is argued that the main task of a private executors is to find enough assets of the debtor under the relevant court in order to recover from it debts and basic remuneration. In the article, a distinction was made between certain features of activity of private and state executives in the context of guarantees of ensuring the rights of collectors - business entities. It is proved that there are certain advantages of involving business entities of private performers in co-operation with court decisions made in their favor. The author substantiates the financially-motivational and qualification aspect of the activities of private performers as a basis for increasing the effectiveness of enforcement of court decisions. It is proposed to amend the current legislation, namely, Article. 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings".


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How to Cite

Makhynich, Nadiia, and Yurii Makhynich. “Institute of Private Enforcement Agents in the Context of Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Business Entities”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 3, Sept. 2019, pp. 97-101,