Features of the information and legal status of officials of anti-corruption bodies


  • Nataliia Holota Ternopil National Economic University




status, corruption, official, rights, obligations, responsibility


Legislative consolidation of the basic principles of combating corruption is considered as a guarantee of successful state administration and stable economic development of the state. The presence of a small number of publications and scientific works on the given subject makes it possible to argue that the question of the legal status of anticorruption bodies, in the majority of cases, is approached by the authors through an administrative aspect, focusing on the functions and responsibilities of the anti-corruption bodies.

Determining the peculiarities of the information and legal status of officials of anti-corruption bodies can be based on the provisions of the current legislation, which establish the key functions of officials of anti-corruption bodies, including in particular: prevention of corruption, use of preventive anti-corruption measures; detection, termination, investigation and disclosure of corruption offenses; prevention of corruption (in particular, a special check on persons who are applying for positions related to the functions of the state or local self-government, requirements for transparency of information, etc.); monitoring of the state of prevention and counteraction of corruption in Ukraine; realization of anticorruption policy in the state, as well as other tasks defined by the legislation of Ukraine and others.

Taking into account the scientific approaches to the information-legal statute and specifics of the tasks of officials of state bodies for combating corruption, the following elements should be classified as elements of the information and legal status of officials of anti-corruption bodies:

1) information rights and guarantees of officials of anti-corruption bodies, specially determined by acts in the field of combating corruption, as well as their official instructions, provisions on the answers of the unit;

2) official duties of an informational character, separately established by anticorruption documents, job descriptions, as well as those that arise in the course of the implementation by officials of anti-corruption bodies of their rights;

3) the definition by the current legislation of restrictions on the implementation of information rights, guarantees and obligations by the officials of anti-corruption bodies;

4) the legislation established the responsibility of officials of anti-corruption bodies for improper fulfillment of their information and legal obligations or for the abuse of information rights rights or guarantees.


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How to Cite

Holota, Nataliia. “Features of the Information and Legal Status of Officials of Anti-Corruption Bodies”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 2, July 2019, pp. 157-62, https://doi.org/10.35774/app2019.02.157.