Normative and Legal Aspects of the Planning of Foreign Policy of Ukraine In the Conditions of the Issue of Independent State: Problems and Perspectives


  • Andrii Hrubinko Ternopil National Economic University



Ukraine, foreign policy, legislative provision, strategy of foreign policy


In the article the experience and current state of normative support of Ukraine’s foreign policy in the context of solving the problem of strategic planning are analyzed. The main provisions of normative acts, which set out the main principles of Ukraine’s foreign policy, are considered critically. The author’s thoughts on the structure and content of the draft Law of Ukraine «On the Principles of Foreign Policy of Ukraine» and the Strategy of Foreign Policy of Ukraine are submitted.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the state of legislative support of Ukraine's foreign policy in view of the need for strategic planning of the state's activity in this area.

The results of the conducted research testify to the unsatisfactory state of legislative support of Ukraine's foreign policy. For a long time (until 2010), a special law was not adopted in Ukraine, which could testify to the deliberate neglect of the political leadership of the various parties in this area of state building in order to please it with sufficiently changing international interests. Paradoxically, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of July 2, 1993 "On Main Directions of Foreign Policy of Ukraine" was still the most perfect normative legal act on this issue. The current Law "On the Principles of Internal and External Policies" was still submitting a formally-written version of the regulation of complex problems of the development and implementation of foreign policy.

Proposed for the development and prompt adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Principles of Foreign Policy of Ukraine" and the Strategy of Foreign Policy of Ukraine as a basic special legislative act and supplementing and specifying subordinate act are of crucial importance for resolving this sphere of activity of our state in the international arena under difficult conditions of being in a state of armed conflict, contradictions with a number of diseases in the near abroad and, in general, long overdue. Adoption of the said normative acts will ensure the completion of the process of formation of legal and conceptual-organizational foundations of Ukraine's foreign policy.


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How to Cite

Hrubinko, Andrii. “Normative and Legal Aspects of the Planning of Foreign Policy of Ukraine In the Conditions of the Issue of Independent State: Problems and Perspectives”. Actual Problems of Law, vol. 1, no. 2, July 2019, pp. 13-19,