Accounting of security issues in the system of managerial risks in the activity of the head in the system of execution of punishments


  • Stanislav Zlyvko Ternopil National Economic University



punishment system, manager, managerial risk, safety, personnel safety, risk factors


The article substantiates theoretically approaches to the issues of security in the system of managerial risks in the activity of the head in the system of execution of sentences. The existing approaches to managerial risks, as well as risk management by executives in the system of execution of sentences in the course of adoption and implementation of management tools are analyzed, and measures are recommended for optimization of this process


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How to Cite

Zlyvko, Stanislav. “Accounting of Security Issues in the System of Managerial Risks in the Activity of the Head in the System of Execution of Punishments”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Sept. 2018, pp. 74-79,