International and domestic legal regulation of trade activities in Europe in the ХІІ–ХІV centuries


  • Oleksandr Gavrylenko Kharkiv National V.N. Karazin University



international law, domestic law, Europe, legal regulation, trade, international treaty, merchant charter


The article is devoted to the coverage of the formation and development of legal regulation of commercial activity in Europe in the XII - XIV centuries. It was emphasized that the current rules of international law for the most part contained assurances of traders in their personal and property security, and also gave traders the right to free movement and transportation of goods. The privileges granted to foreign traders by acts of domestic law were not comprehensive and did not include guarantees of the full inviolability of the trader’s identity and full freedom of trade. However, nevertheless, they were broad enough in content and ensured the interest of foreign merchants in conducting trade in the territory of European states. An important consequence of the application of these international and domestic acts was the fact that due to the effect of their norms of receipt of state treasury funds, significantly increased


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How to Cite

Gavrylenko, Oleksandr. “International and Domestic Legal Regulation of Trade Activities in Europe in the ХІІ–ХІV Centuries”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 4, Sept. 2018, pp. 61-67,