Spatial turn in law: philosophical and legal understanding


  • Valentina Kravchuk Ternopil National Economic University



legal philosophy, ontology, space, spatial turn, topology, legal space, law


In this article is considered the analysis of the philosophical and legal understanding of spatial turn and its impact on the law, which gives new opportunities for the study of law and state-legal phenomena. The author argues that from the two existing concepts of space, topographical and topological, the topological concept of space, which emphasizes its non-physical form and enables a meaningful characterization of law, is more effective. The analysis of sources makes it possible to argue that it is advisable to distinguish between subjective and objective legal space, the first being more relational, and the second is substantive


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How to Cite

Kravchuk, Valentina. “Spatial Turn in Law: Philosophical and Legal Understanding”. Actual Problems of Law, no. 3, Sept. 2018, pp. 20-24,